We bring humanitarian aid to Kyiv and beyond and evacuate vulnerable individuals to the EU
EvacuAid Kyiv is in partnership with the
What we do:
Evacuation of the most vulnerable people out of the war danger zones in Ukraine & relief supplies.
Who we help:
Women, children and elderly people in Ukraine.
We focus on vulnerable individuals that are unable to escape on their own, such as families with small, autistic or handicapped children, immobilized individuals, highly pregnant women or similar individuals.
How we work:
We work with Ukrainian authorities, especially with our friends from the Kyiv City Military Administration, and in strong cooperation with the German government and the Association of Incoming Tour Operators of Ukraine. We bring persons that are in acute danger in Ukraine to a secure stay in Germany. Our convoys do not just drive to the Ukrainian border. We drive all the way to South-Eastern Ukraine – to deliver aid and evacuate individuals.
Cross-Border Cooperation:
The people to be evacuated are selected in cooperation with the team of Mayor Klitschko as well as other City Military Administrations of Ukraine.
What we already achieved:
We already evacuated 1.200 persons who we brought out of the danger zones of the war.
The persons we could rescue came from Kyiv in times when it wads in danger of being encircled and cities further in the East and South of Ukraine, such as Mariupol or Kharkiv.
What we are working on RIGHT NOW:
Our first trips focused on Kyiv, which came under pressure. We are now focusing on evacuating vulnerable groups from Donbass, the south and east of the country.
The whole team is very grateful to all donors for their support. So far we received or were promised nearly €350.000. 100% of this money is spent for direct operating costs, 95% of it are spent for our special trained drivers and the evacuations in Ukraine. 5% go in relief supplies we have to buy and get not donate.
Who we are:
All over Coordination: Janine von Wolfersdorff (normally, tax advisor)
Head of security & more: Adrian Rauko
Drivers Ukraine: A team of individuals with military training and experience.
Buses: Dr. Ludwig Richard & team (Dr. Richard Bus GmbH), Frank and Leonie Richert & team (BerlinMobil)
National & international donations, media & operative support: Jeannette von Wolfersdorff
Operative support: Bertram Kloss, Lukas Greber, Josef Finauer.
closely together with the whole team of the Csilla von Boeselager Stiftung Osteuropahilfe and a group of just incredible friends & supporters in Germany, Austria, Poland, Slowakia, UK and Ukraine.
Special thanks to the Malteser, to Sennder Polska and the German Bundeswehr for medical support.
EvacuAid Kyiv is a joint project with the Csilla von Boeselager Stiftung Osteuropahilfe e.V. and is supported by THE NEW INSTITUTE.
Of course you will receive a donation receipt
Tax deduction as business expense is possible (sponsoring)

We require donations to fund the costs of transporting humanitarian aid and evacuating individuals from Kyiv.
The costs for only one evacuation in Donbass amount to €150.000 – €190.000.
If you have any questions or would like to make a large donation, please contact us at
evacuaid@boeselager-osteuropahilfe.de or donate to:
Paypal: paypal@boeselager-osteuropahilfe.de and write as Intended purpose "EvacuAid".
Banking account: Csilla von Boeselager Foundation Eastern Europe Aid
IBAN: DE41 4665 0005 0000 0333 32
Intended purpose: "EvacuAid"
Or go directly to the website of the Csilla von Boeselager Stiftung: